Saturday, January 23, 2010

XC Skiing

Best sport ever. I think I like it more than downhill. We went to Soldier's Hollow today- gorgeous! It 's where they had all the Olympic events. I love how you feel more connected to everything in XC- I miss that in downhill. It’s not going down a mountain just to show off your wicked skills. I appreciate this freaking gorgeous state more when I am XC skiing. About that- never planned on staying in Utah (at least not since I was really young) but I

don’t know how I will ever leave this! It’s so beautiful.

Now I just want some sweet gear! Specifically, Atomic skis and equipment and Spyder baselayers.

I love that the Spyder baselayers are less sci-fi movie costume than the still cool ones that they had last year. By taking the same theme of an ergonomic web but changing it from overt, contrasting black stripes to subtle seams in the same color, it transforms the piece into a far more wearable item! (I can't find a picture of the old one though, so you are going to have to trust me!)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Gross/Fascinating: Jeffry Life Edition

So this is not intended to be a blog about aging and it's probably not even in my top-10 most fascinating subjects, but I just realized that after this post, half my entries are about aging. Maybe it is just because the New York Times has excellent features on it. Or maybe I am subconsciously afraid of aging.

Anyway. This week Tom Dunkel, who often writes for Sports Illustrated and occasionally the Washington Post Magazine, wrote a piece for the Times entitled “Vigor Quest,” about the effort to overcome the frontiers of aging.

The profile centers on the firm Cenegenics, a Las Vegas- based, $50 million “age management” medical company founded by a doctor and amateur body-builder and his workout partner. While it employs doctors with flawless credentials, the safety of its more extreme methods of testosterone-boosting hormones has been met with controversy.

Dunkel described some of the before and after photos as looking like a photo of a bodybuilder with a grandfather’s head superimposed on it (Dr. Jeffry Life- look up the photo its gross!).

And it’s true! It’s kind of creepy- but I think these are valid points in the future of medicine that ultimately have mass potential.

(The book Radical Evolution also touched on this- I can’t remember exactly what he said though, so I will leave that for a future post!)